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Rotary Clubs of Shepherdstown and Charles Town Award $5,000 Youth Exchange Scholarship

The Rotary Clubs of Shepherdstown and Charles Town have awarded a $5,000 scholarship to Kate Colbert of Shepherdstown, to cover most of the travel, insurance, and visa costs associated with her spending the next academic year in Denmark through Rotary’s International Youth Exchange Program.

The funds came from the proceeds of Shepherdstown Rotary’s Beer & Food Fest as well as individual donors from both the Charles Town and Shepherdstown clubs  In honor of Kate’s late father, David Colbert, many individuals who were members of his Leadership Jefferson County class donated as well. The award was presented at the Shepherdstown club’s June 4 breakfast meeting at the Bavarian Inn. Pictured from left:  Chris Cox, President Elect of Charles Town Rotary; Cara Keys, President Elect of Shepherdstown Rotary; Kate Colbert; and her mother, Laura Colbert.

“We are so proud of Kate Colbert, as she embarks on her academic year abroad,” said Keys. “Study abroad programs create worlds of possibilities, lifelong memories, and new friendships for both students and the families they live with during their time away.”

Designed for high school students, Rotary’s International Youth Exchange Program offers a fun, yet safe way to travel and immerse one’s self in another country. The program is volunteer run and therefore one of the most cost-effective ways for high school students to live abroad and become ambassadors representing their town, county, and country.

Kate has participated in other Rotary programs, such as the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy, and she has served as an officer in the Rotary-inspired Interact Club at Jefferson High School.

To learn more about the Rotary Exchange program, click here.