John Taylor and the International Service Committee of the Rotary Club of Shepherdstown are seeking support and contributions towards our critical El Salvador Water Project

Existing Water Distribution
In 2019 the community of Casa Blanca was informed that the cooperative that provided their sole source of water could not share the water after 2024. This has created urgency in establishing a community-owned source of water.
In June of 2019, at the request of ASAPROSAR (, Rotarian John Taylor, a former Peace Corp volunteer in El Salvador, visited some communities in the western part of El Salvador that had needs that would fit into one of the seven pillars of Rotary International service. While there are many wonderful communities with needs that fit, this issue with Casa Blanca rose to the top of the list as they are facing a crisis that is solvable with the participation of the community, ASAPROSAR in developing community leadership, the Rotary Club of Santa Tecla to manage the project, and the Rotary of Shepherdstown, WV to lead in the raising of the required funds.

Partnerships with Rotary in the Community
- Rotary Club of Shepherdstown, WV
- Rotary Club of Santa Tecla, San Salvador
- Asociacion Salvador a Pro Salud Rural – ASAPROSAR
- Asociacion de Desarrollo Comunal Sol de Occidente, Caserio Casa Blanca
- Canton La Magdalena, Santa Ana/ ADESCOSDO
Your donation with provide these socio-economic benefits to the community of Casa Blanca
- Access to clean and safe drinking water, about 1,400 persons, or 350 families
- Improved health conditions arising from clean and safe water
- Reduced time and expense to acquire water supplies from other sources
- Enhanced community organizing and cohesiveness, which can help catalyze other community initiatives
Story of Casa Blanca (PDF)
For more information, contact:
John Taylor

Eureka, El Salvador Project Hits Water, Team to Visit Project
The Global Grant (#2120132), sponsored by the Rotary Club of Shepherdstown with substantial funding from District 7360, has found water at 100 meters. The project is proceeding and is

Rotary Club Aiding El Salvador Community
The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown WV is partnering with the Rotary Club of Santa Tecla, El Salvador, on a Rotary Global Grant project that will provide a reliable source of