
2021—2022 World Affairs Seminar

Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution: Emerging Lessons and Skills for Our Schools and Communities”

References & Tools

Suggested Resources for Educators and Students

What is Interact?

Interact Clubs are established and operate in local high schools, including: Berkeley, Jefferson, Morgan counties in West Virginia.

Interact is a service club for youth ages 12 to 18 who want to connect with other young people and have fun while serving their communities and learning about the world. Clubs, which meet at least twice a month, are sponsored by local Rotary clubs. Interact clubs organize two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Members of sponsor Rotary clubs mentor Interactors as they carry out the projects and develop leadership skills. (Read about Interact at Jefferson High School)

Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution Frameworks

Outward Bound 

The organization website includes a wide range of resource and training materials, including opportunity for experiential training in peacebuilding and conflict resolution.

Positive Values 

This website provides a wide range of resources to promote positive values and peaccbuilding in our schools and communities.

Youth and Peace in Action (Rotary Partnership)

The core online course, My Peacebuilder Foundations,  offers excellent interactive content. Students learn to use established frameworks to consider how power, conflict, violence and peace intersect. Among these are four that are well-known in conflict resolution and peacebuilding: 

  • Galtung’s Triangle of Violence to distinguish different types of violence
  • Conflict Tree to get at the root causes of an issue
  • Eight Pillars of Peace to understand systemic drivers of conflict & peace
  • UNLEASH framework for peace project ideation, design and development.

A unique aspect of Youth & Peace in Action is the emphasis on education for peacebuilding, not just education about peace. Within YPA courses there are case studies of peace projects led by young people that inspire imagination and development of new peace projects. There is also a curated collection of well-researched factoids that can be used to strengthen peace project problem statements and ideas. The goal is to support young peacebuilders to move from areas of interest to visualizing and then implementing peace projects covering a range of themes, concerns and interests.

2021 Global Youth Leadership Summit!

SPECIAL INVITATION: Saturday, December 11th for the 2021 Global Youth Leadership Summit! This FREE event is open to all high school students. Learn more and register here.


Cloke, Kennet (2006).   The Crossroads of Conflict:  A Journey into Heart of Dispute

Fisher, Ury and Patton (1991).  Getting to Yes

Lederach, John Paul (2007). The Moral Imagination

 Schirch, Lisa. (2005). The Little Book of Strategic Peacebuilding.

Stone, Patten, Heen and Fisher (1999). Difficult Conversations:  How to Discuss What Matters Most  

Tannen, Deborah. (1999).  The Argument Culture

Articles and Papers

Lederach, John Paul. “Reconciliation: The Building of Relationships.” Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies. US Institute of Peace Press, 1997.

Carstarphen, N.  Zelizer, C., Harris, R. and Smith, D.  (2010).  “Graduate Education and Professional Practice in International Peace and Conflict.” United States Institute for Peace.

Walters, J. Todd.  (2009). “Experiential Peacebuidling.” Oxford International Encyclopedia for Peace.

Training Programs for Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

Outward Bound Courses in the USA

Summer Peacebuilding Institute at Eastern Menonite University:

Other Websites on Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

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