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Scarborough Society of Shepherd University Foundation Gears up for 2024 Gala

We were fortunate to hear from leadership of Scarborough Society at a recent meeting in July.  Pictured from left is Austin Slater, Rotarian and President of Scarborough Society, Sherri Janelle, Executive Vice President of Shepherd University Foundation, and Meg Patterson, Director of Donor Relations of Shepherd University Foundation.  Other attendees that were not included in the photo were Tara Carlisle, Collection Development Librarian of Shepherd University and Joanna Schoonover, President of Student Library Advisory Board.  The mission of the Scarborough Society is to provide new sources of supplemental funding for the Shepherd University library system through an annual membership society dedicated to enhancing its collections, programs, and technologies. The Scarborough Society of Shepherd University was founded in 2002 to endow and strengthen the Shepherd University library system. Inspired by the Scarborough Library’s magnificent addition and restoration that same year, the friends-of-the-library annual membership organization was and continues to be sponsored by the Shepherd University Foundation. The annual Scarborough Gala is the Society’s major social and fundraising event. Gala proceeds provide funds to support and enhance library collections, programs, and technology.  Click here if interested in buying tickets!

Annual membership gifts and proceeds from the annual Scarborough Gala provide the funds to:

  • Support and enhance the library’s collections
  • Update and expand technological capabilities
  • Support programs for staff and students
  • Create endowments to offer future funding for the library
  • Honor special requests for initiatives that enhance student and community learning