
Rotary Trading Banner Redesign

Banner Design Revision

Final Design for Board Approval, March 14, 2025

This page documents the process of building consensus on a new banner design. A majority of the respondents to the initial survey (results below) have approved this design for submission to the board.

Final Versions

There is a subtle difference between Design A and the latest modification, Design B. The elements in Design A hang together better as a unit supported by the Rotary logo. In Design B, to me, the graphics feel more like independent elements. The steeple poking into Shepherdstown was intentional for visual interest and create connection. I am fine with this either way. It’s the board’s call. ~Bill

Design A
Design B
We need to renew our supply of trading banners and will consider the design in the process. Certain elements including colors and typography are covered under Rotary’s new branding and style guide, but to ensure the banner resonates with our club members as well as visitors, and effectively represents the Rotary Club of Shepherdstown, please provide some guidance by considering the following design questions below the graphic samples. Please use these for reference.

Banner Templates, straight or v-shapes

Sample Banners, click on images to enlarge (press esc. key to return to page)

Recent Rotary Themes

Rotary Logo, a few options

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