Goals and Objectives: The Committee’s role is to identify opportunities for the Club to spearhead initiatives that benefit the local community. Rotary’s members are drawn from leaders in business, government entities, not-for-profits and Shepherd University. As such, the Club is uniquely positioned to undertake those projects that benefit the community and enhance community pride where there are no clear-cut advocacy interests that can take the lead. Through these efforts the Club establishes itself as a positive influence in the community and is seen as an attractive avenue for service thereby sustaining its vitality.
Community Enhancement Projects:
Over the years the Club has been a seminal force in numerous community minded projects:
- Rotary brought the Town, Shepherd University, business leaders, individuals and organizations together to construct a “Shepherdstown Welcome Sign” to greet visitors from Maryland crossing the James Rumsey Bridge. The Club worked with the Town, the West Virginia Department of Transportation and the Bavarian Inn for approval of the design, rights-of-way and ownership issues. A second sign to greet travelers arriving on Route 230 will be in-place mid-Summer 2015. It will be located on the corner of O’Hurleys General Store property.
- Rotary participated in the Potomac River Revitalization Project that resulted in a plan to preserve, protect and beautify historic riverfront sites and properties. As part of the plan, provisions were developed to connect Rumsey/Cullison Parks with the Boat Ramp, Tobacco Warehouse and Town Run at the river’s edge, while providing access for foot and bike traffic from the Canal Tow Path. Project participants included the U. S. Park Service, Rotary, Shepherd University, the Town and local citizens.
- Good Shepherd Interfaith Volunteer caregivers is a well-established entity that now Jefferson County. It had its beginnings in Shepherdstown in the early 1990’s when the benefits of an all-volunteer in-home care network for older citizens was brought to Rotary’s attention. Rotary worked with local citizens to develop and staff organizational efforts and contributed financially over the initial three years to the start-up costs.
On-Going Activities:
In addition, the Committee organizes a number of annual activities – involving Rotary & Rotaract and in some activities others including outside individuals and organizations:
- The Committee signs up Rotary volunteers for the United Way Annual Day of Caring while identifying specific projects for Club members to participate in. The Club has contributed to the Day of Caring project since inception.
- Our Club has participated in the Adopt a Highway Program since our founding in 1987, and we thereby maintain the longest running Adopt a Highway project in the state. Twice a year in the Spring and Fall Rotarians remove litter along the two mile stretch of Route 230 from the “Y” in the road to the railroad tracks at the edge of Town.
- Ever since the town of Shepherdstown initiated a formal “Christmas in Shepherdstown” celebration in the late 1980s, our Rotary club has been responsible for the decoration of the town Christmas tree and the iconic McMurran Hall building in the center of town.
- Since 2012, our club has also organized the town’s annual Christmas parade. The parade has grown to be a major highlight of the Christmas season, and it draws entries and spectators from throughout the region and beyond.
- In 2007, our club initiated a 4th of July parade and community picnic for Shepherdstown, and we continue to organize and fund these activities. The parade is the only 4th of July parade in the area, and it too has become a major attraction, drawing people from all over.
Community Service Projects

The Club was founded in 1987, and it has been conducting this cleanup every spring and fall since then. The cleanup is focused on the