
Who We Are

What is Rotary

Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Rotary clubs exist in almost every country. Our members change lives locally and connect with other clubs to work on international projects that address today’s most pressing challenges. They take action and make a difference, and it brings them personal rewards and lifelong friendships. Please see for more information.

The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown

The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown was founded April 24, 1987 and officially chartered by Rotary International. In the beginning it had 28 members, and today it continues to thrive with approximately 90 members. Our members embrace the motto of Rotary International, “Service Above Self” in their approach to the Club’s five main avenues of service: Club, Community, International, Youth and Vocational. Our club has a strong portfolio of service projects and an impressive record of philanthropy, examples of which are in the following sections.

From its inception, the Rotary Club of Shepherdstown has played a leadership role in many different kinds of community activities. In its first year, it pioneered the Adopt-A-Highway program locally and funded a major expansion of the Shepherdstown Library’s “Talking Books” program. In 1990, it helped establish the Good Shepherd Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers, a non-profit community organization that supports the disabled and elderly. In 2000, it established a special fund that supports advanced training for local firefighters and emergency service personnel. In 2007, it initiated Shepherdstown’s July 4th parade and community picnic, which it continues to sponsor. Since 2013, it has organized the town’s Christmas parade. The Club also regularly assists other community organizations by providing them with financial and volunteer support. This assistance ranges from ending Polio through Rotary International’s programs Polio Plus and Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Disaster Response in the Ukraine, providing clean water through the El Salvador Water Supply Project, supporting education through our Dream Desk Project and the Kenya Street Connected Children Education Project and serving local schools with the World Affairs Seminar, and providing financial assistance and muscle for the installation of ten benches in our own local park, Morgan’s Grove.

Meeting Times

Morning meetings are held every Tuesday from 7:30 am-8:30 am at the Bavarian Inn

Morning Meeting includes a full breakfast and programs on a variety of topics of local, regional, and national/international interests. Generally, the first Tuesday of the month is reserved for Club Assembly, during which committee members plan upcoming projects and activities.

Evening Meeting consists largely of working professionals who prefer an informal evening setting for fellowship and event planning. Members participate in the five avenues of service. Evening Group takes great pride in hosting the annual Golf Tournament fundraiser and other projects and events exclusive to this body. 

The group meets twice monthly on the first and third Wednesdays on the opposite side of the Bavarian Inn at the Schwarzwald Haus, Lower Level, Terrace Conference Room. Meetings commence at 6:00 pm, lasting one hour. There is usually a program that includes topics of local importance and beyond. The group reserves time to discuss club business and planning for upcoming projects and events. There is no food or refreshment provided at this meeting.


The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown is governed by an elected Board of Directors comprised of the following officers: President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Club Treasurer, Treasurer of the Club Charitable Fund, and Chairs of the following standing committees: Club Service, Community Service, International Service, Youth Service, and Vocational Service. The Evening Group has its own leader who runs the meetings, etc. Annual elections are held in early December and elected officials assume office on July 1. The Vice President serves as the Program Chair and rotates to the Presidency and past Presidency.

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